Building Sustainable Partnerships in Procurement with Veridion ESG Data - Veridion
Case study

Building Sustainable Partnerships in Procurement with Veridion ESG Data

By: Cristina Iani - 12 August 2024

Partnering with ethical companies has become a key priority for organizations aiming to mitigate risk, enhance resiliency, and drive business performance.

To achieve this, Procurement Departments must prioritize understanding the ESG performance and offerings of their suppliers, ensuring essential information guides their decisions. Effective supplier management is not only a key to reducing exposure to ethical and environmental risks but also to building a more resilient and responsible supply chain.

On top of that, increasing regulations, such as the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), is pushing companies to reduce the carbon footprint of their procurement decisions.

Case Study: Advanced Company Screening for Low-Carbon Product Sourcing

Challenge: Let’s leverage Veridion’s Advanced Search to identify potential green steel suppliers globally.

Search Results Visualization:

The map above highlights the concentration of green steel suppliers across continents, showing the extensive reach and diversity of the supplier base identified by Veridion’s Advanced Search capabilities.

Key Strategic Benefits of Using Veridion’s Advanced Search and ESG Data:

  1. Enhanced Supplier Diversity: By identifying suppliers globally, Procurement Teams can diversify their supplier base, reducing risks associated with geopolitical issues or regional disruptions.
  2. Supply Chain Transparency: Veridion provides detailed data on the geographical distribution of all 165 companies. This transparency allows the procurement team to map out the entire supply chain, identifying regions with higher risks.
  3. Risk Mitigation: With Veridion’s data, the team could proactively exclude suppliers from high-risk areas, thus aligning with the new ESG requirements. This proactive approach mitigated potential legal and reputational risks, ensuring the company’s supply chain remained ethical and compliant.
  4. Alignment with ESG Goals: Using ESG data, the procurement team can ensure suppliers meet sustainability standards, contributing to the overall ESG targets.
  5. Efficient Supplier Verification: Comprehensive data on potential suppliers allows for efficient verification and due diligence, reducing time spent on preliminary research.
  6. Improved Supply Chain Management: Geographical and logistical data help optimize the supply chain, reducing transportation emissions and costs.
  7. Strengthened Corporate Reputation: By sourcing low-carbon materials and demonstrating a commitment to sustainability, procurement teams enhance the company’s corporate reputation among stakeholders and customers.

To learn more about how our ESG data can enhance your procurement processes and help you comply with new ESG regulations, download our latest report: Improving Procurement Processes with Veridion ESG Data.