Hacking Big Numbers - Veridion

Solving Big Real-World Problems with AI and
Business Data

Winning Team Gets €6000

What the hack is this all about?

Hacking the Big Numbers Hackathon is an immersive and collaborative event where participants come together to tackle real-world challenges using the power of AI and Business data.

Hacking the Big Numbers Hackathon is an immersive and collaborative event where participants come together to tackle real-world challenges using the power of AI and Business data.

1 weekend

54 hours of building innovative solutions to some of today’s biggest challenges

Free participation

Engage in the hackathon by submitting your application without and cost or fees

Exciting prizes

Stand a chance to win fantastic prizes, with a total prize pool of 15000

Theme: Business Data and AI

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Theme: Business Data and AI

Hacking Big Numbers provides participants with an opportunity to delve into the vast landscape of business data and leverage the transformative capabilities of AI to unlock valuable insights and drive success.


During the hackathon, participants will dive deep into the realm of business data, exploring diverse sources such as customer behavior, market trends, financial records, and more. They will apply advanced AI techniques to extract meaningful patterns, uncover hidden correlations, and make data-driven predictions.
By harnessing the power of AI, participants can gain valuable insights that can lead to informed decision-making, process optimization, and innovative solutions.

Pathways to Innovation: Choose your track

Dive into the Hackathon Experience and Make Your Mark
star badge
Take on Bounty Challenges

Take on our curated set of challenges from Veridion and partners, with the opportunity to earn bountiful rewards

paper plane
Head-to-head tournament

A ’20 Questions’ style tournament, leveraging ML technologies to uncover company data insights.

Pathways to Innovation: Choose your track

Dive into the Hackathon Experience and Make Your Mark
star badge
Take on Bounty Challenges

Take on our curated set of challenges from Veridion and partners, with the opportunity to earn bountiful rewards

paper plane
Head-to-head ML tournament

A ’20 Questions’ style tournament, leveraging ML technologies to uncover company data insights.

Head-to-head ML tournament

In our reimagined '20 Questions' tournament, we're not just asking questions—we're letting algorithms do the detective work. This unique challenge focuses on deciphering a company's core operations using Machine Learning (ML) technology and minimal information.

Participants will leverage their ML models to analyze a series of data points about a company, such as its industry sector, location, and employee count. The goal is to accurately identify the company's main business function in as few steps as possible.

As these intelligent algorithms compete head-to-head, the competition intensifies. Each round offers a new piece of the puzzle, demanding a strategic use of data to make the correct deduction swiftly. The winner will be the algorithm that can pinpoint the company's essence with the least amount of information, showcasing superior analytical and technological prowess in this digital showdown.

Prize: €6000


Challenge icon €1500
AML Detection System

Step into the role of a financial crime detective with our challenge at Banca Transilvania.

Here’s an opportunity to combat one of the most pressing issues in the banking sector: money laundering.

This challenge calls for the brightest minds in data science and AI to develop an advanced Anti-Money Laundering (AML) detection system.

Utilizing a dataset of transactions, participants will create models to identify suspicious activities, safeguarding the integrity of financial operations and promoting a secure banking environment.

Challenge icon €1000
Deep Prospect Insights

In today’s rapidly evolving sales landscape, quickly understanding and adapting to a prospect's needs and context is paramount.

SalesOMMO strives to revolutionize this process through AI-driven insights, automating and personalizing the sales experience.

This challenge invites competitors to develop an innovative AI model that leverages our rich datasets to provide deeper, actionable insights about sales prospects.

Winner: none

No teams enrolled in this challenge.

Challenge icon €1000
Startup Competitor Analysis

Your mission is to identify and analyze competitors for a given startup using Veridion data, its website or a presentation deck (available in PPT, PDF, Google Slides, or Notion format).

Participants will employ advanced data mining techniques and AI tools to sift through vast amounts of information and pinpoint potential competitors.

Your goal is to provide a comprehensive competitor analysis that will aid the startup in strategizing and positioning itself effectively in its market.

Challenge icon €750
Marketing Competition Research

Create an AI-powered solution to research the marketing strategy & activities for a given company.

Participants should leverage business data, social media platforms, websites, email marketing, content marketing, and customer demographics to uncover competitors marketing strategies and provide actionable insights for growth.

Winner: none

No teams enrolled in this challenge.

Challenge icon €1000
Data Integrity

Engage in a critical mission to enhance our data's accuracy and consistency.

Utilize your AI and analytical prowess to identify and flag anomalies or inaccuracies within extensive datasets.

Your task is to create a nimble and robust solution capable of adapting to various data irregularities, ensuring the reliability of our business operations.

Help us uphold the integrity of our data, and contribute to making more informed and trustworthy decisions.

Winner: none

No teams enrolled in this challenge.

Challenge icon €1000
NAICS6 Classification

Your task is to develop a model that classifies businesses into their specific NAICS6 industries.

Start by creating and validating a high-quality dataset from trusted sources, then train your model using the NAICS taxonomy.

Show off your skills in data curation and model training, contributing to enhanced accuracy in business analytics and market research.

Challenge icon €1000
Trustworthiness Score

Your mission is to generate a reliability rating for companies using the data we supply, along with any additional information you can gather.

The end goal is to create a trustworthiness score that accurately reflects the credibility of a company.

This score will play a crucial role in providing a reliable measure of a company’s trustworthiness.

Dive into the data, showcase your analytical skills, and contribute to creating a more transparent business environment.

Challenge icon €1000
Data Visualization

Unleash your creativity and analytical skills to transform the data we've provided into stunning visualizations.

Your task is to decide the best way to segment and showcase the information in a manner that captivates our customers.

Impress us with your ability to turn raw data into a compelling, insightful story through innovative and engaging visuals.

Challenge icon €1000
URL Product Extraction

Test your data extraction skills by diving into a range of URLs and teasing out product names and categories.

Your goal is to create an efficient algorithm or tool capable of accurately identifying and categorizing products directly from their web addresses.

This challenge offers a unique opportunity to showcase your mastery in data parsing and text analysis.

Participants ideas


eHelper is like having a tech-savvy friend who asks you simple questions about your needs and budget. Then, eHelper generates a tailored list of laptops, identifying the best fit for you, and even compares prices from different retailers to ensure you get the best value for your money. Develop the interface where the user talks to the platform while creating a conversation with the user in order to better understand his needs.

Boost Sales Lead Generation

Assume a pre-existing panel of customers stored in a CRM [rdbms] + extra sources of data (Veridion provider) Step 1: Some random new prospects have been identified in Veridion dataset. Step 2: Match these prospects with some existing clients picked by similarity in the CRM [using ML Clustering + Nearest Neighbors techniques]. Step 3: Use the information on these selected clients for few short learning of a genAI [prompt engineering], which train the AI to generate some personalized output (marketing, forecast) >>> rinse and repeat. This is your new automated personalized marketing campaign.


Challenge icon €1000
Online Merchant Sales Forecasting Challenge

Develop a robust forecasting model that can accurately predict the number of transactions processed by online merchants in the future. The model should generate a comprehensive forecast with probability distributions for both daily and weekly transactions, providing valuable insights into the expected sales behavior of each merchant. Participants will be provided with a dataset containing anonymized online transaction records from 10 merchants over a period of 3-6 months. These records represent daily online sales transactions made with credit cards.

Challenge icon €1000
URL Classification Challenge

Develop a classification model that can accurately assign probabilities to each URL based on the corresponding Merchant Category Code (MCC). MCCs are derived from the specific domain of activity described on each website. Participants will be provided with a list of URLs from the partner’s database. As a bonus, extra points can be earned by extending the model to predict the probabilities of different platforms on which the websites are built. This includes identifying platforms such as Go Mag, PrestaShop, Magento, Shopify (hosted vs. self-hosted), as well as other specific features like commercial WooCommerce or custom-built shopping carts.

Challenge icon €750
Marketing Competition Research Challenge

Create an AI-powered solution to research the marketing strategy & activities for a given company. Participants should leverage business data, social media platforms, websites, email marketing, content marketing, and customer demographics to uncover competitors marketing strategies and provide actionable insights for growth.

Challenge icon €1000
Ideal Customer Profile & Similar Prospects

Build an AI model that learns the ideal customer profile of a given company and leverages that information to score & generate lists of potential target companies. Participants should leverage business data, market information, and customer demographics to generate pre-scored leads list of companies or to score companies via manual data input.

Challenge icon €1500
Logo Generation Challenge

Develop an AI model that can generate unique and visually appealing logos based on company data. Participants should utilize machine learning techniques to analyze the company's values, industry, and brand identity to create distinctive logos.

Challenge icon €1000
Market Discovery Challenge

Create an AI-powered solution to identify untapped markets for a given company. Participants should leverage business data, market trends, and customer demographics to uncover new market opportunities and provide actionable insights for business expansion.

Challenge icon €500
Five-Word Company Description Challenge

Create an AI model for generating five-word, precise company descriptions using natural language processing and company data analysis.

Challenge icon €1500
Website Generation Challenges

Build an AI-driven system that can generate fully functional company websites using company data. Develop algorithms that automatically design and populate website templates with relevant content, reflecting the company's branding, products/services, and corporate information.

Challenge icon €750
Sales Pitch/Presentation Generation Challenge

Create an AI-powered solution that generates persuasive sales pitches or presentations using company data. Develop models that analyze customer preferences, market trends, and business data to generate compelling sales content, aiding in effective customer engagement and closing deals.

Challenge icon €1500
Generate a Company Catalogue from Website

Automatically create a company catalogue by analyzing the content of the website and extracting relevant product or service information. Present the catalogue in a visually appealing and organized format.

Challenge icon €1000
Solve Data Skewness on the Internet

Develop an unbiased, automated solution for internet data skewness. Create models that identify and rectify data skewness from multiple sources, optimizing distribution, processing efficiency, and ensuring balanced data representation.

Challenge icon €1500
Create an Industry Mapping

Create a tool generating an industry map from a company name or website, visualizing its ecosystem including competitors, suppliers, clients, and investors. It should offer an interactive interface for users to explore industry relationships and identify key players.

Challenge icon €1000
Predict Risk

Develop a predictive model to estimate business risks and company longevity, considering factors like financial performance, market conditions, and industry trends. The aim is to aid businesses in risk mitigation and informed decision-making.

Challenge icon €1000
Seizing Market Opportunities

Create a predictive model to estimate the impact of a competitor's closure on your revenue growth. Use data like market share and customer preferences to identify opportunities and strategies for maximizing revenue considering factors like customer churn and market demand.

Challenge icon €1500
Revenue Categorization

Develop a machine learning model that can categorize company data based on revenue levels. Given input data such as company size, industry, geographical location, and other relevant factors, the model should accurately classify companies into revenue buckets, including small single-owned businesses, small local franchises, early-stage startups, and manufacturing companies. The goal is to create a robust revenue classification system that provides insights into the revenue range for a given company.

Challenge icon €1000
Find the next Unicorn

It's time to harness the power of machine learning and uncover the next unicorn startup. Can you develop a cutting-edge model that accurately predicts the likelihood of a startup launched today reaching 1M in ARR (Annual Recurring Revenue) within the next 12 months? 🦄💰


Mentor image

Laur Balasa

Mentor image

Bogdan Iordache

General Partner
Underline Ventures
Mentor image

Mihai Guran

Mentor image

Marius Iordache

Mentor image

Andrada Vachold

Data Scientist
Banca Transilvania
Mentor image

Andrei Dimcea

Business Analyst
Banca Transilvania
Mentor image

Cosmin Posteuca

Big Data Engineer
Mentor image

Andrei Niculescu

Software Engineer
Mentor image

Alexandra Voda

Machine Learning Engineer
Mentor image

Stefan Georgescu

Software Egineer
Mentor image

Mihai Vinaga

Mentor image

Sorina Vlasceanu

Mentor image

Alexandru Ionescu

Head of infrastructure
Mentor image

Eduard Turtoi

Machine Learning Egineer
Mentor image

Claudiu Dima

Head of Machine Learning
Mentor image

Alexandru Hulea

Machine Learning Engineer
Mentor image

Alexandru Tofan

Big Data Engineer
Mentor image

Alexandra Androne

Data Analyst
Mentor image

Lucian Dracea

Data Engineer
Mentor image

Dragos Giumanca

Data Engineer
Mentor image

Gregory Rodin

Customer Success Leader
Mentor image

Stefan Gergely

Head of Growth
Mentor image

Cosmin Pirvu

Startup Program Manager
Mentor image

Auras Tanase

Growth Marketer
Mentor image

Tudor Petracovici

Full Stack Developer
Mentor image

Alin Saviuc

Growth Marketer

Mentors - 1st edition

Mentor image

Matei Pavel

Mentor image

Bogdan Iordache

General Partner
Underline Ventures
Mentor image

Mihai Guran

Guran Consulting
Mentor image

Laur Balasa

Mentor image

Felix Crisan

Co-Founder & CTO
Mentor image

Ioan Profiroiu

Tech founder
writeGPT & Flutter Motion Agency
Mentor image

Alexandru Agatinei

How to Web
Mentor image

Ioana Frincu

Technology Advisor
Hellen's Rock Capital
Mentor image

Cosmin Ochisor

GapMinder Venture Partners
Mentor image

Marius Iordache

Mentor image

Dragos Manescu

VP Product
Adore Me
Mentor image

Elena Enache

Director Applications


Banca Transilvania
Milk & Cookies
Milk & Cookies
Universitatea Romano-Americana
Underline Ventures
Women in Tech Romania
Start Up

FAQ Section

The hackathon is open to individuals of all backgrounds, including professionals, students, and AI enthusiasts. Anyone passionate about leveraging AI and Business Data is welcome to join.

No, participation in the hackathon is absolutely free. We believe in making opportunities accessible to all passionate individuals.

To participate, simply submit your application through our website by filling out the registration form. Provide relevant details about yourself, your skills, and any previous experience that showcases your capabilities.

Both options are available. You can participate as an individual or form a team of up to a specified number of members. Collaborative teamwork is encouraged to foster innovation and diverse perspectives.

Participants stand a chance to win exciting prizes, including a grand prize of 5000 euros. Prizes will be awarded based on the evaluation of the final solutions by a panel of judges consisting of industry experts.

Participants will have access to a wide range of resources, including data sets, AI tools, and mentorship from industry experts. These resources will support your problem-solving journey throughout the hackathon.

The hackathon offers two tracks: participants can either tackle the proposed challenges or submit their own project ideas within the realms of AI and Business Data. Choose the track that aligns with your interests and expertise.

Absolutely! Experienced mentors will be available throughout the hackathon to provide guidance, share insights, and help you overcome challenges. They will offer valuable advice to enhance your problem-solving skills.

The final solutions will be evaluated by a panel of judges consisting of industry experts. They will assess the solutions based on various criteria, such as innovation, technical prowess, feasibility, and potential impact.

Yes, the hackathon provides ample networking opportunities. You will have the chance to connect with like-minded individuals, industry professionals, and potential collaborators who share your passion for AI and Business Data.

The hackathon is exclusively available for in-person participation, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the collaborative atmosphere and engage directly with fellow participants and mentors.

No, the hackathon encourages participants to work on new and innovative ideas specifically developed during the hackathon.

The hackathon is an intense and immersive experience that spans from Friday 6:00 PM to Sunday 6:00 PM. Participants will have a dedicated timeframe of 48 hours to collaborate, innovate, and develop their solutions.

Yes, teams must consist of a minimum of 3 members and a maximum of 5 members. This allows for effective collaboration and ensures a diverse range of skills and perspectives within each team.

No, you are free to use any programming language or AI tool of your choice. The hackathon encourages diversity and allows participants to showcase their skills and expertise using their preferred technologies.

No, the hackathon encourages participants to start from scratch and develop their solutions during the event. The purpose is to foster innovation, creativity, and problem-solving skills within the given timeframe, without relying on pre-existing code or projects.

Agenda & Resources

During the Veridion AI Hackathon, participants will have access to a wide range of valuable resources to fuel their innovation and problem-solving. These resources include:

Crawled Internet Content
Participants will have access to a vast collection of crawled internet content, providing them with a rich source of information and insights to leverage in their projects.

Servers for Model Training
The hackathon provides dedicated servers for participants to train their AI models efficiently, ensuring they have the computational power needed to develop robust and high-performing solutions.

Structured Data about Millions of Companies
Participants will have access to structured data about millions of companies, enabling them to analyze and extract valuable insights to drive their AI and big data projects.

Scraped Data from Social Media
The hackathon offers scraped data from various social media platforms, allowing participants to leverage this vast amount of data to gain insights, analyze trends, and develop innovative solutions.

Commercial Registers Data
Participants will have access to data from commercial registers in most countries, providing them with valuable information about companies, their operations, and their market presence.

Access to ChatGPT
Participants will have access to ChatGPT, a powerful language model developed by OpenAI. This tool can assist participants in generating natural language text and addressing complex language-based challenges.

Proxies and Crawling Infrastructure:
The hackathon provides access to proxies and crawling infrastructure, allowing participants to gather data from various sources efficiently and effectively.

Data Visualization Software
Participants will have access to data visualization software, enabling them to analyze and present their findings in a visually appealing and insightful manner.

Schedule a data consultation